A “sacada” is a movement in tango where either the leader or the follower displaces the free leg of their partner.
In this four-week series we will look at different concepts and techniques surrounding the “sacada”. Whilst each workshop will build on the last, each session can also be taken as a stand alone. Don’t worry we’ll make sure you can confidently and comfortably follow all the material whether you attend one, two or three weeks!
No partner needed. Book in (above) or walk in!
Workshop 3 Sept: Sacadas & Dynamics
A foundation workshop on Sacadas which will focus on the energy we use for sacadas: how we can create gentle sacadas but also sacadas with an upsurge in energy.
Workshop 10 Sept: Sacadas & Calesitas
A “calesita” is a movement where the leader walks around the follower, while the follower turns on her axis.
We’ll focus on sacadas that seamlessly become calesitas and calesitas that become sacadas. Each movement flowing beautifully to the next.
Workshop 17 Sept: The Back Sacada
By the third week of our sacada series we’ll be armed and ready for the famous back sacada. As the name suggests, this is a movement where either the leader or follower displaces their partner’s leg with a backward step. Often seen as one of the hardest movements in tango we have a few “cheats” for you … if learning simple, effective techniques and some surprisingly easy combinations counts as cheating.
Workshop 24 Sept: Complex Combinations
The final week of our Sacada Series will be dedicated to complex structures. But don’t worry, even complex structures can be deconstructed and broken into simple, bite-sized pieces. Besides you’re now a Sacada Master!