You know you’re addicted tango when:
1) You never leave the house without your tango shoes … just in case you get an unexpected chance to dance.
2) Hugging a complete stranger and then walking off after 12 minutes is now a normal part of your daily existence.
3) You find yourself unconsciously doing little tango movements – under your desk, on the tube, in the lift. When you wonder whether it looks strange you decide to do it anyway (it’s so important to practice!)
4) When out with non-tango friends, you have to keep reminding yourself not to talk about tango the whole time.
5) You can no longer watch Hollywood or TV versions of tango without cringing.
6) Non-tango clubs now seem alien (and loud!) to you and you feel the absence of tango sharply.
7) You don’t bother buying clothes that you can’t dance tango in.
8) Most of the music on your playlist was composed before 1950.
9) You have considered getting rid of furniture to create space in your living room for practice.
10) When visiting a tango friend’s house for a first time, you’ll comment on the space they have to practice in
11) Small talk on a night out will usually include how sticky/slippery the floor is.
12) You know your friends won’t think you’re rude if you break off your conversation midway to accept an invitation to dance.
13) No one bats an eyelid if you comment on how nice the floor feels or how pretty someone’s feet are.
14) Wherever you go in the world, you’ll check out the local tango scene. And you’re always planning your next trip to Buenos Aires.
15) The world is now divided into two for you: those who dance tango and those who don’t.
16) You secretly feel a bit sorry for those who don’t.
17) The prospect of not dancing for more than a few days sounds like torture..
18) Your Facebook Newsfeed is gradually being taken over by tango-related posts, videos and events. Yes, even Facebook knows you’re an addict!