Tips & Stories
Milonga Survival Guide

Milonga Survival Guide

For the uninitiated, the “milonga” is the club where we dance tango socially. In fact, it is what it’s all about: what we go to classes to be ready for. And there are many milongas, not just in Buenos Aires, but in London and around the world.

In class, to a certain extent, we recreate the conditions of the milonga. We dance in an anti-clockwise direction (the line of dance), try to avoid collisions with other couples and learn to improvise so that our steps can adapt to the ever-changing shape of the dance floor. We even change partners at regular intervals – by eye contact – just like in the milonga.

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Chasing Perfect

Chasing Perfect

I’ve been a perfectionist all my life. And its probably fair to say that it has been both a blessing and a curse.

As a child, I would drive myself (and my mother) crazy trying to get my school book drawings just right. I would rub out my sketches again and again, until the page would rip, making me burst into tears.

Perfectionism has given me an eye for detail, driven me to work hard, demand high standards of myself and probably achieve more than I would have done otherwise.

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Hi! I’m Kim

I fell in love with tango in 1997 and have been dedicated ever since! Here I share my tips, musings and stories with you. Leave me a comment – I’d love to hear from you!



Tango Professionals David & Kim Performing

