Inside every student who comes to our classes, there is a tango dancer waiting to come out! And it is our job to make sure this happens.
To bring out the best in people, we need to guide, challenge and support them, as well as find new ways harness their creativity. As teachers we need to keep evolving so our lessons remains fresh, dynamic and stimulating.
With this objective we have planned another live music workshop. This is pretty unusual in a tango class! In what way can it help us?
As you may have experienced already, there’s nothing quite like dancing to live music. It transforms the mood and feel of the dance. It brings you into the moment and stirs up powerful emotions.
Why limit this feeling to the milonga when we can bring it to our classes too?
Live music somehow brings the music closer and makes it more present. It therefore presents a unique, innovative and fascinating opportunity to study musicality.Our musicians not only play beautiful, spine-tingling music, but they also work regularly in the training of professional dancers at Rambert and Pineapple Dance Studios. As the class progresses, you’ll begin to notice that they are interacting with the class. The music will change as David or I work on different tools for interpretation, becoming in turn mellow, upbeat, lyrical, playful … It is a very exciting way to work.
Don’t miss this innovative opportunity to train your musical ear, sharpen your footwork and enjoy gorgeous music!
No partner needed! Please contact us to book your place.