How do you feel when the teacher draws close to you in class? Do you feel a little bit like Bugs Bunny in the above cartoon?

Well, it may be good to know you are not alone!

As teachers, we’re very used to students growing very tense whenever they think we are watching them!

And this in spite of the fact that we reassure them they don’t have get it right straight away and in fact we’re there to help them!

It doesn’t seem to matter how supportive, friendly and totally unintimidating teachers are, students seem to have an inescapable desire to show how much progress they have made … and somehow end up achieving just the opposite!

And it is particularly frustrating if things have in fact been going really well for a while, only for them to fall apart just as your teacher’s eyes are upon you!

So other than telling you that you are in good company, what else can we say to reassure you?

Your teacher sees more than you think. Not only will they be able to tell you’re feeling self-conscious and take that into consideration, but they will also be observing your progress throughout the class, even when you’re not aware of it.

You may think they are closer to another couple in the room, but they may be actually watching you! Their assessment of your progress will not be solely based on those few moments of high pressure.

And is it such a terrible thing to get it wrong in front of your teacher? They’re there to correct you. And you’re there to be corrected. If the teacher sees your mistakes and gives you tips to counter them, it will give you more material to work on.

So bring on the mistakes! They’ll ulitimately make us better dancers!

This blog entry is dedicated to our lovely student and friend, Kiran, who posted the cartoon on Facebook a few weeks ago.