Tips & Stories

Super Giros
Another workshop series has come and gone.
For the last two Saturdays, Tango Movement students have been working on their giros (tango turns). Exploring the technique, working on their fluidity and getting that bit closer to precision!
When you watch a video of a performance filmed in a milonga in Buenos Aires, it is most often the moment in which a giro is executed that the audience erupts into applause.
Something that may surprise a British audience. In Strictly Come Dancing, the audience seems to clap for every single lift, spin and flick. You can almost visualise the man behind the camera holding up an autocue card for them: “APPLAUD”.
This is something of a role-reversal considering Argentine audiences are generally considered to be more expressive than British audiences, never shy to call out “Bravisimo!” or to jump to their feet in a standing ovation.

What Makes A Good Leader?
Who are the best leaders on the dance floor and what is it that sets them apart from the rest?
You could argue that this is a subjective thing, but there is some consensus in the tango world on overall qualities to be aspired to.

Not Exactly a “First” Dance
To call it a first dance would – I think – be a little bit of a stretch.
In fact I daren’t even put a number on it, given we’ve been married for 10 years and dance partners for close to 15.
So how about a dance that will always stand out in our memory? Without doubt! And that – considering the number of times we have danced together – has got to make it very special!
Some time back at the peak of lockdown, I was feeling disappinted that our 10-year wedding anniversary would pass without celebration. I know there were – and are still – far greater problems in the world so please forgive me this moment of self-absorption.
But little did I know that David was planning a celebration that would trump all the plans we had been forced to cancel because of Covid.
Something I in fact has always wanted to do: a renewal of our wedding vows (and party!) in our garden.

Big Xmas Night-In
David and I are excited to announce our “Big Christmas Night In” this Wednesday 23 December at 20:30 GMT. Please join us via Zoom with a glass of bubbly, some nibbles and a lot of festive cheer! We will be taking a trip down memory lane with a slideshow of past...

Covid-19 & Tango
Here’s a little compilation of clips from our online classes.
We think it gives a good glimpse into the online tango world and you may get an idea why some people say they are enjoying online as much as in person classes!